Advanced Interactive Simulations: double bilayer dynamics

Getting started

We will use UnityMol and Gromacs for this tutorial.

The exercise: interactive double membrane protein bundle simulation

Start up the SNARE-IMD-v1 exercise using the graphical interface. UnityMol will open, Gromacs will start up in the background, and the visualization will connect to the running simulation. More instructions are provided in the video walkthrough.

After an initial visual exploration, you may want to get rid of the water molecules, to simplify the manipulation of the trajectory. You can achieve this from the menu, by clicking on the eye icon next to the Point title line in the model_water submenu.

The protein bundle is shown as multi-colored beads, while the two lipid bilayers are in white.

When you manipulate the simulation, be gentle, otherwise the simulation will crash and you need to start over. Common tasks may be:

  • try to pull on the end of the protein bundle and observe impact on the bilayers
  • try to detach the bundle that is in contact with the lipid bilayer from the membrane
  • examine and manipulate the membrane-inserted transmembrane peptide domains

Minimal UnityMol tips

  • on the right hand side you have a python console. You can quit each tutorial by typing q() plus enter.
  • you can modulate the applied force with the f(value) shortcut, where value is something in the range from roughly 0.1 to 6.0. You can check for the current value with fp().
  • if you want to save the coordinates of the current scene, use s(), which writes snap.pdb in the current directory (it is indicated in the console upon saving)
  • if you do not need the console, you can hide it with the arrow in a blue circle
  • on the left hand side you have the main graphical menu. you can control the visualization, trajectory player speed and a few other settings, such as visual effects
  • the menu can also be hidden with it’s attached arrow in a blue circle, when you don’t need it

Video Walkthrough

You’ll learn:

  • Tuning colors and representations
  • Adjusting the forces and probing interactions
  • Crashing the simulation 😂

Click like 👍 on the video if you’re excited to get started!